Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Your veiws on mainstream music

To have a view on this subject matter, one must first listen to mainstream music. And with that I have just established that I don't currently listen to mainstream music. I've been either using my own saved playlist which has songs from the 90s, TV tunes and bands like Paramore, The Script and singers like P!nk and Avril Lavigne. Not particularly a group you'd heard on the radio anymore. 

Recently I gave the radio a shot, mainly so I can form an opinion on this and let me just say, I feel old. I have to constantly ask my sister who's singing and what the song is called because everyone sounds so different and new and I can't recognise anything. I mean who is Halsey and why have I not heard of her before this? 

There is one similarity with most of the songs and that is they talk about the same thing- sex. It's all about the banging, screwing and sleeping with someone. And they way they sing about it paints the picture of it just being a physical act. Something to be done for fun, like it does not mean a thing. Called me old fashion but I believe that sex is more that just the intimate act between a man and a women to be done for fun. The way they describe it makes it sound so cheap and describes the women and items and not human beings with actual feelings. 

I will agree that there are quite a bit of songs with body positive messages about loving yourself and I'm all for that. What I'm not all about is 'all about that bass'. I get that she's trying to sing about loving your curves and that there's nothing wrong with having a bit more meat on your bones but don't bring down another body type to promote yours. Why do we do that as humans? Why do we feel the need to talk down another type, thing or person before we can bring up another form, build or individual? Why is it that both can't be ideal and goals? Why does one always have to be superior? In Megan's attempts to talk about not being a 'stick figure barbie doll' she is essentially saying that this is the new ideal and being thin and scrawny is unattractive. She's not the only one who does this but I just have a bone to pick with Megan. I do love her 'like I'm gonna lose you though'. 

Can we talk about Justine Bieber for a moment? I mean his comeback is what my grades should follow. His music is catchy and I have not heard about him pulling any immature stunts. The lyrics for some songs are also pretty great and while I don't agree with everything he's said, sang or done I will say that he is making pretty decent music now. 

So I conclude with modern music, hit with some of the body positivity. Miss with the lyrics at times and hit with the beat and the tunes. 

I'll now go back to listening to my FOB, MCR and what my sister deems as old music. 

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