Thursday, 10 December 2015

Your guilty pleasure (Or pleasures)

  1. Reality TV. There are some shows that really knock out your brain cells when you watch them but I still have days where I sit and watch em. They're pretty entertaining too. 
  2. Watching bits and bobs from Glee on youtube. I have no idea who's who or what is really going on but it's fun. They do some pretty good covers too
  3. Purposely watching/reading something with it's intended purpose of making you cry. I'm a sadist like that but I do love it when I feel the anguish that makes me cry. It's not often though that things make me cry.  
  4. Binge watching Grey's Anatomy. It's so soap opera-ry now and let's be real I have not watched it since Cristina left but there are days where I just turn on the show and get sucked in to the world of the twisted sisters. 
  5. Stalking people on Facebook. You and I both know that we all do it so don't even look at me with your holier than thou attitude. 
  6. Unhealthy Food. There are days when all I want are all those calories. Just give me the calories.     

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